Due to weather conditions tomorrow, January 25th, will be a virtual learning day.
about 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Attention MS and HS Baseball Parents/Players: There will be a 7th-12th grade baseball player AND parent meeting on Sunday, January 29 at 3:00 p.m. at the baseball field in the stands (auditorium if inclement weather). This will be a short meeting, but there are things that need to be handed out, signed and talked about before the season starts. I look forward to seeing everyone and if you have any questions, please contact Coach Walker at awalker@prague.k12.ok.us
about 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
First semester report cards for all middle school and high school students have been sent to your Wengage Parent Portal. You should receive an email notification with a link. Notifications remain in the portal for two weeks. If you cannot access your portal, please call the office.
about 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
66 Conference Tournament January 16-21 @ Okemah
about 2 years ago, Felicia Little
66 Conference3
66 Conference
Homecoming Spirit Week High School - Jan. 10-13
about 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
hoco spirit week
Reminder High School parents: Semester tests for all high school students are Wednesday, December 14 for odd hour classes and Thursday, December 15 for even hour classes. Christmas Break begins Friday, December 16. School resumes Wednesday, January 4.
about 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
On December 7, Mr. Bailey took a group of 17 freshman Physical Science students to Gordon Cooper Technology Center to compete in a STEM Challenge sponsored by the Pre-Engineering Program. Working with the materials provided, the group had to plan and construct a device that could propel and drop an object within 10 ft. of a target, and then continue to travel the farthest distance possible. They placed 2nd in the Build Challenge, just a few points behind NRC! They received Best Pit Decoration and took 3rd place overall! The STEM team was awarded two plaques and a 3-D Printer for the Science Lab. Their instructors are Travis Bailey, Kendra Eddlemon and Richard Butler. Congratulations STEM Team!
about 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
STEM challenge
National Honor Society members volunteered at the Regional Food Bank in Oklahoma City today. Sponsor: Amanda Camren A special "Thank you" to Seminole State College Gear Up for providing their lunch today! SSC Gear Up Coordinator: Erica McCaughey
about 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
Regional Food Bank-NHS
Regional Food Bank
Regional Food Bank
It’s Giving Tuesday 2022! For the next 24 hours, Prague Schools is joining thousands of organizations across America on this day of giving. Funds are being raised for The Heart of a Red Devil Campaign. This campaign was developed to contribute to the cost of the new turf on the baseball, football, and softball fields, along with many other new upgrades to all 3 facilities! These new upgrades will contribute countless wins to our school and our community! Please consider donating $22 for 2022, by following the link below for payment processing. https://www.regpack.com/reg/templates/build/?g_id=100911021 Thank you for having The Heart of a Red Devil!
about 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Giving Together 22
Giving together 22
You can now pay your student's lunch bill online! Login to your Wengage Guardian Portal to make a payment. https://ok.wengage.com/Prague. Contact your child's school secretary if you need your Guardian login information.
about 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Watch the Prague Red Devils tonight at 7:00 in round 2 of the playoffs https://praguereddevils.tv/
over 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
Friday, the Red Devils will travel to Tulsa to battle Victory Christian in the second round of playoffs. You will need to purchase your tickets at https://gofan.co/app/events/787478?schoolId=OSSAA
over 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
over 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
football tickets
Senior parents: if you have not filed for FAFSA (financial aid), Wanda Pierce will be here Wednesday, November 16 to assist you with the process. Please call Ms. Baker at 405-567-2281 to schedule an appointment.
over 2 years ago, Felicia Little
Thank you Jason Watkins/Farmers Insurance and Rhonda McKee for purchasing FACS 2 students these mini doll houses.  Students have been studying Resourceful Design (housing floor plans, structure and design) To finish up this unit, students will be assembling these doll houses to test their floor plan reading, structure stability and design skills. 
over 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
Prague will be hosting the first round of playoffs vs Hugo. Kick off will be at 7:30 pm. Tickets may be purchased through https://gofan.co/app/school/OSSAA for $8.35 or they will be $10 at the gate. Cost for tickets is for student or adult. Only OSSAA playoff passes will be accepted.
over 2 years ago, Felicia Little
Prague High School's Family and Consumer Science Custom Cowhide and Leather Re-Scenta-ables Fundraiser SAMPLES AVAILABLE!  Great for cars, lockers, closets and more.  November 7th-18th Contact a FACS student or email Amanda Camren @ acamren@prague.k12.ok.us to place an order or to see/smell a sample.  Leather/Cowhide Tag $18 Spray Scent $12 A little goes a long way. 
over 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
Cowhide rescentables
The High School football game has been moved to Thursday night, November 3. Kickoff is at 7:30. Senior night will begin at 7:00. Seniors and parents must be at the north end no later than 6:50. The Chamber of Commerce Auction and Taste of Prague will be held in the Community Center at 5:30. Stop by before the game and support the Chamber.
over 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
Happy Halloween from PHS/Hogwarts
over 2 years ago, Rhonda Dean
Halloween 2022
Haunted House this weekend!
over 2 years ago, Prague Public Schools
prague basketball