Happy 50th Birthday to Mrs. Serre!!
over 1 year ago, JJ Spears
Serre Bday
Prague Football HOCO 2023 T-Shirts Join us as we go "Back to the Future" for HOCO 2023. Orders Due: September 11 @3:25 Orders can be placed online or by sending in your order form w/ payment to the high school. Stay tuned for more HOCO activities!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Camren
Congratulations to the 2023-24 High School STUCO officers..
over 1 year ago, Amanda Camren
LAST WEEK to get your Prague gear from FanCloth! Prague High School's FanShop is now open. Use code CYP2N to see all of the awesome Prague apparel and accessories! Click here to shop! https://fancloth.shop/CYP2N
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
fan cloth
We apologize for the inconveniences yesterday with the Sylogist parent account and seeing your student's teacher. As of 1:00 PM today it is all fixed and you can now log in and see who your student's teacher will be for the 23-24 school year. Don't forget! Meet the teacher and the Community Health Fair tonight!
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
Meet the teacher
Community Health Fair
Josten's will be at the high school on August 24th to meet with Seniors and Sophomores in order to go over Graduate products, Cap and Gown ordering information, and Class Ring ordering information. There will be a follow-up meeting on August 28th for both Seniors and Sophomores to turn in order forms and down payments.
over 1 year ago, Kimberly Fleak
Rachel Rumsey is a graduate of Prague Public Schools and we are excited to have her back, teaching Agricultural Education. Welcome Ms. Rumsey! "What I am most excited about this year is that I am back home in my hometown and getting to teach in the same school/classroom that I fell in love with Agriculture in! I truly believe that being in AG helped mold me into the adult I am now and I hope the kids that get to sit in my classroom leave feeling as passionate about the industry as I did!" - Rachel Rumsey
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
Rachel Rumsey
Attention Middle and High School Parents: This is just a reminder that if your student is in band, athletics or cheer in grades 6th through 12 they will need a physical on file. Physicals are available at no cost to you through the Prague clinic. If your student is parking on campus or involved in any extra curricular activities such as Ag or E sports, they will need a drug test consent form on file. You will find this form and all other forms on Rank One. If you are new to Prague Schools, you will not be able to sign any forms until that student is uploaded to Rank One. All physicals may be turned into the high school office. Any question please email flittle@prague.k12.ok.us.
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
Rank ONE
Welcome JJ Spears to Prague Public Schools! She is the secretary at Prague High School and we are excited to have her on our team. Mrs. Spears has been getting ready for the upcoming school year and is ready to meet all of the students and staff! "I have been in the Insurance world for 10+ years so this transition was a big one for my family and myself. Being the High School Secretary is the switch we have been waiting for. I have so enjoyed meeting the district staff/teachers and cannot wait to continue building those relationships. What I am most excited about is getting to watch each child grow through this district and I cannot wait to see how each student succeeds! This community is amazing and I am proud to have my family be a part of it!" -JJ Spears
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
JJ spears
STUCO PARKING LOT FUNDRAISER August 1-18 Seniors have first pick starting August 1-4. Students must contact Mrs. Camren via email acamren@prague.k12.ok.us. MONEY IS DUE BEFORE painting can begin. Students can drop off money in HS office to Mrs. Spears August 5-18 parking spot reservations open for the remaining student body. Same instruction as listed above. Prices: Row A $50 Row B $40 Row C $40 Row D-G $30 Include the following in your email: -Name/grade/vehicle description -Row and spot number: Ex. A1 or B5 -If you plan to paint your spot, send a picture or specify what wording you plan to use. All designs must be approved by Mrs. Camren or Mrs. Fleak.
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
STUCO parking lot
High School Students: If you did not return your laptop, charger, case or textbook(s) from last school year. Please, bring them with you when you pick up schedules on August 3rd & 4th. Also if you have any fees from last year, please take care of them at that time also. If you have any questions please email the High School Secretary jspears@prague.k12.ok.us
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
HS students
Let’s go Bailee Smith! She will compete for the East in the Oklahoma Girls All-State Dual at Tulsa Union High School on July 27. We are all proud of you!!!
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
We are less than 4 weeks from starting our 2023-2024 School Year! Come out on July 25th from 5-6:30 and welcome our 3 Principal's new to Prague Schools! We are excited to have them as part of the Prague School systems and they are excited to meet our amazing community!
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
meet and greet
Today is the last day to purchase school supplies and support the Prague Boys Red Devil Basketball Team! Supplies will be delivered to your students classroom. Use code PRA073 to order. If you choose to purchase supplies on your own you can find the supply list on our website, or in stores soon. https://www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks/?fbclid=IwAR0qGoE5enddA8FHFzfqoEIf9UY09A7CKhcnVGm6bHINvxnndF25EjzPBYo
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
school supplies
2024 Senior Panel Pictures will be at the High School on August 2nd from 9 -3. Come and go. No cost to the student. If students want to go to Tom Flora rather than taking them at the school, they need to call and make an appointment. If students go in before July 15 they’re running a special and the session will be free. After July 15 it’s $10 session fee until the end of July. If student’s wait until August to schedule an appointment, session is $20 .
over 1 year ago, Prague Public Schools
Sr. Panel Pics
HS Parents: Grade cards for HS students were sent June 1 to your Parent Portal. They are viewable for 2 weeks. You can download/save or print it. Students that did not return laptops and books will not be able to pick up their 2024 schedules. Parents, please pre-enroll your students online through your Parent Portal so your student will have a schedule for 2024.
over 1 year ago, Prague High School
Attention 2023 Seniors: Your diplomas are ready at the HS office! You may pick them up Monday & Tuesday, June 5 & 6 from 7:00-4:00.
over 1 year ago, Prague High School
diploma pick up
Attention 2023 Seniors: Your diplomas are ready at the HS office! You may pick them up by 4:00 today or next week, June 5 & 6 from 7:00-4:00.
over 1 year ago, Prague High School
diploma pickup
Attention 2023 Seniors: Your diplomas are ready at the HS office! You may pick them up by 4:00 today or next week, June 5 & 6 from 7:00-4:00.
over 1 year ago, Prague High School
Prague High School
Congratulations to Tessa Cooper for being selected to the Middle West All-State Slowpitch team! Congratulations to Ady Custar for being awarded the 66 Conference MVP! The All State game will be at Oklahoma Christian University on June 17th.
over 1 year ago, Prague High School
Softball all state conference awards